Purplefoxxx - Page 2

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Thank you Scott
Purplefoxxx's Photo 5
on June 17, 2021
asked a question
Calling all FNaF fans!
Can someone explain please the canon lore? I need to know. I know some lore. Not all though, I need to know all.
1 / 0
on June 13, 2021
asked a question
Ok, so the cinnamon toast crunch comical we need to talk about them
I do not know how to spell sorry. What do you think of them? I do not know what I think because reasons... WHat age group are they meant to attract into buying them? also Krave also again, I always noticed something off with th...
1 / 0
on June 12, 2021
subscribed to page
Qfeast Drawings: Share Your Drawings and Requests, Get Reviews
Do you like to draw? Come in. Talk about your drawings, sketches, any advice you need, constructive critique. The Official Qfeast Drawings page
59 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on June 11, 2021
on June 11, 2021
asked a question
How do you draw in the anime style?
Please explain I need help I want to draw in that style, I know how to kinda draw an eye but nothing else help. the eye is the image
1 / 0
on June 11, 2021
created a poll
Do you like sweet, bitter, spicy, bland, or sour, Salty foods better?
+ 2 more
10 votes 3
on June 08, 2021
uploaded a photo
Purplefoxxx's Photo 0
on June 08, 2021