Pinkie123 - Page 9

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on July 25, 2014
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Pinkie123's Photo 0
on July 25, 2014
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Pinkie123's Photo 0
on July 25, 2014
YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was tagged!!!!
I was tagged!!!!
As we should all know by know, there is a tag game going on. So i got tagged! And know i have to answer questions and tag others!
on July 15, 2014
Help, I need some friendship advice!
Help, I need some friendship advice!
Okay, so I have this friend who can be AWESOME, but at other times she's just really mean. It's like there's two different sides to her! When she's nice, she's super cool and we get along well, but she can be mean and it just makes me feel bad. She just insults me. :( I honestly want to be her friend, but when the mean side of her comes out it really makes me question our friendship. Sometimes we'll get along great and we have tons of private jokes and she's awesome, but other times she just thinks I'm weird. Is there anything I could do or say to make things better? I just need help, and I want her to be a better friend. She's really a great person, what can I do to help our friendship?
on June 28, 2014
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Pinkie123's Photo 2
on June 28, 2014
Bring back MLP campaign! - Started by Nonpareil!
Bring back MLP campaign! - Started by Nonpareil!
Well, all of us want our MLP stuff back, and Qfeast has taken that away from us! MLP quizzes, questions, polls, pages and stories are what make Qfeast what it is! And we're not going to let them take that away from us! So let's rebel! :D
on June 25, 2014
asked a question
Which cartoon or TV show song is your favorite?
Any kind of songs from cartoons or TV shows that you like
3 / 1 profile question
on June 13, 2014
created a poll
Which one of this baby ponies is the cutest?
Rainbow Dash
6 more
24 votes 5 profile poll
on June 02, 2014
uploaded a photo
Pinkie123's Photo 0
on May 28, 2014
created a poll
Which mlp key is the best?
The key of generosity
The key of loyalty
The key of laughter
The key of kindness
2 more
25 votes 3 profile poll
on May 23, 2014
added a poll to the starred list
If you had a super power what would it be?
Shape shifting
Super speed
+ 3 more
23 votes 6
on May 23, 2014
created a poll
Which Rainbow Rocks Equestria Girl looks the best?
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
4 more
23 votes 2 profile poll
on May 14, 2014
created a poll
Which Simpson family member is the best?
Homer Simpson
Marge Simpson
Bart Simpson
Lisa Simpson
4 more
22 votes 6
on May 14, 2014
created a poll
Which one of the pin up dolls I made is the best?
11 more
29 votes 6
on April 26, 2014
created a poll
Which one of the princesses I made is the best?
Princess Alexandra
Princess Anastasia
Princess Eleanor
Princess Elisabeth
11 more
27 votes 6
on April 25, 2014
added a poll to the starred list
Who thinks there should be a Qfeast app?
on April 22, 2014
uploaded a photo
Pinkie123's Photo 0
on April 21, 2014
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Pinkie123's Photo 0
on April 21, 2014
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Pinkie123's Photo 0
on April 21, 2014