MidnightStudio - Page 9

I'm Maci, more known as Midnight.
I'm a very hyper, enthusiastic, sarcastic friend. See More▼
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MidnightStudio's Photo 0
on January 30, 2016
uploaded a photo
MidnightStudio's Photo 1
on January 30, 2016
uploaded a photo
MidnightStudio's Photo 0
on January 30, 2016
uploaded a photo
MidnightStudio's Photo 0
on January 30, 2016
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Haha Mikasa this is totally us on the bottom XD
MidnightStudio's Photo 3
on January 30, 2016
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I cant..
MidnightStudio's Photo 3
on January 30, 2016
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MidnightStudio's Photo 4
on January 30, 2016
Has anyone else noticed that @Xx_SilverFox_xX 's profile says Deactivated deactivated? I'm really worried. I have no other way to reach her because I moved. So if anyone knows what happened please inform me.
Yea, so that's why I'm worried... @StridersGonnaStride
on January 30, 2016
I talked to her yesterday, but she didn't say anything or give any hint that she was deactivating. @StridersGonnaStride
on January 30, 2016
on January 30, 2016
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's Photo 4
on January 30, 2016
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's Photo 2
on January 30, 2016
Holy crap I typed a lot, sorry. XD
on January 30, 2016
*inhales then exhaled slowly* Okay, so I'm going to take a nice and calm outlook on this and say what I want to say, sweetly. Always. There are some people that just look for attention, they say and do things that will make other's feel pity for them. I, myself am not one of those people. Anywho, there is person that pretends to be depressed. Now you may say,"Well how can you tell they're faking it?" Well, because I know this person very well, not because I'm their friend (or See More▼
on January 30, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
MidnightStudio's Photo 4
on January 30, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
's Photo 3
on January 30, 2016
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Akinator literally JUST asked if he was Irish...
MidnightStudio's Photo 0
on January 30, 2016
asked a question
What should I write/make?
Okay, so I am able to go on a computer to write a story or make a quiz, and what do you want it to be about? I have no ideas, so please help.
0 / 0 profile question
on January 29, 2016
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Haha hell ya XD
MidnightStudio's Photo 1
on January 29, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
MidnightStudio's Photo 0
on January 29, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
MidnightStudio's Photo 6
on January 29, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
's Photo 6
on January 29, 2016