Little.Blue's Photo: 10 / 29

Who's to say that 'God' is against these things?! You haven't met him/her!! What the religious books say could be completely biased, how do you know that God really thinks all that stuff? What if someone just made it all up?? You should do what you think is right, and not discriminate against others, as I'm sure this is not what God, if he exists would want. See More▼
on July 23, 2013
I wrote this just now, and it's in response to 'Kitcats' question: "Do you believe in magic?!" It was too long for Qfeast to let let me post it, but I think it's important that people read this. Please comment and give your opinion. If you disagree with me, that's perfectly alright, and I am always ready for a debate, so long as you can justify your point.
on July 23, 2013