SlytherinDemigod's Starred Questions

SlytherinDemigod has 4 starred questions
Minecraft Halloween!
JeweledOwl812 and I (Ravenclaw3243) are hosting a Halloween event on MINECRAFT! It is on the server: Go to JeweledOwl812's plot for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and my plot for the Cafe-of-Doom. It's an hour lon...
2 / 0 profile question
I need an OC name!
I need help making an OC guy! He's also an Apollo kid. He plays violin and is skilled at it. He loves reading. He is smart, kind, and persistent. Names Please!
18 / 2
How'd You Find Qfeast?
How did you find this site? My story: My friend, MockingjayDistrict said, "Hey, you should join qfeast." Me: "Que-feast?" Her: "Nah. It's Q-feast" Me: "Okey dokey. Me will join." So I joined. The End.
27 / 28
Qfeast Convention
This has been brought up before, but I think it is an AWESOME idea! What about you guys? We could host it all over, and you go to the one closest to you, and see if others arrive!
4 / 5 profile question