Ducki's Page Subscriptions - Page 12

Ducki is subscribed to 262 pages
Harry Potter, Hunger games, The fault in our stars, dead city, percy jackson, the series of unfortunate events, The mysterious benidect society, divergent.... Oh sorry!!! This page is for all AWESOME FANGIRLS!!! Fan girls only ...
23 subscribers 4 members
You think ghosts are real im pretty sure I saw one!
I was in the bathroom I opened the door and then I washed my hands in the glass I saw a shimmering image then it faded. Also I went by shelf in my room and there was a marker in the very back I walked past it, when I turned ar...
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened
youtubers fan
people who like youtubers should subscribe and tell me what their favourite youtuber its for fun etc
21 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Weird dreams
This is a page about weird dreams you had (I personally have alot of them) see if others can relate to the dream! :3
21 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Animal Page!
Subscribe to this page and post pictures of your pets and other cute and funny animals.
15 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Guess who says it
Yeah, so you can say something that someone says in a movie, YouTube channel, game, etc. and see if someone can guess what it is off of or who says it! (I know the picture has nothing to do with it...)
25 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Hetalia fan page!
This is for hetalia fans! You can post songs,tributes,feelings and even roleplay! Though to rp you need to post a picture of your character unless it's truly impossible for you to do so. Here's the form. Name: Age: Flag: Allies...
11 subscribers 3 members fully opened
what you looked like when you were young and what you look like Now!
So see says it all We all want to see what you look like when you were a little kid and you look like now so I hope you have the courage to post what you look like now and when you were little! ! bye ?
16 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Random Childhood Stories
Welcome to the Random Childhood Stories page! If you have a random and stupid childhood story, you can share it here and everyone can laugh in your pity.
11 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Your Baby Pictures!
Welcome! You can post your baby pictures here! So this enough words?
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
drawing requests! (1)
hey, i'm super bored and felt like drawing, so if you have anything in mind that you'd like drawn just go on and tell me! i can draw almost anything, from people to dogs. oh, and the drawings will be digital. well, that's all, ...
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Creepypasta drawing
In this page you can post pictures that you drew sound cool?! Ps. You can post your OC's too yay
17 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Yo Mama Jokes
Have any good Yo Mama Jokes? This is a good place to share them! I hope you enjoy!
21 subscribers 1 member fully opened
the random/weird page!
all in da title babahs! XD um...I need more words, banana, sharks, poop, fruit! there! XD
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
The Optimists hangout
This is where my friends and there friends can hang out, RP with any fandom, gossip, and talk. Rule one: no haters. Rule two: nothing inappropriate. Rule three: have fun.
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
The Love Page!
If your wondering why page has two g's its because qfeast wont let me put one g. But anyways this is the love page! You can talk about love or upload photos! Enjoy (sorry sometimes im bad at descriptions...)
12 subscribers 4 members fully opened
FNAF fangirls
If you are a fangirl of Five Nights at Freddy's then come in and talk about FNAF and your experiences playing.
20 subscribers 4 members fully opened
The Page to go to when Everything is Stopped
No one online? Nothing to do? Come here and talk to other who have met the same fate! I will accept membership requests.
19 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Qfeasters you would want to meet in real life
Yep, it's what the title says. Make a list of Qfeasters you'd want to meet in person.
21 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
The Story Writers' Circle
Writers, come in. Talk about your stories, writing and the technicalities of writing, any advice you need, critique
513 subscribers 1 member fully opened