Bubblegumlynx - Page 2

I'm a fun and happy person with good grades and always loves a good laugh.
Guys. I've made a new poll so will be seen in a sec. Just loading.?
on April 06, 2019
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I'm Mollie. Please follow me
hello!^^ welcome to qfeast! Hope you enjoy here and make good friends : D
on April 06, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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uploaded a photo at Qfeast Newcomers
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on April 06, 2019
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Hi everyone
on April 06, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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Thanks for following me guys. Spread the love and I'll do another poll.
Your welcome
on April 07, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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on April 06, 2019
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on March 16, 2019
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are VERY MUCH my type of guy. Message me sometime, you sound freakin' awesome!!! And uh, just so you people know, I'm a little bit... incredibly perverted, so you might wanna know how to deal with that... If not, then GO AWAY! NO ONE LIKEY UUUU!!!!
on March 16, 2019
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic sighed and shook his head. "I shoulda known you'd show up, Eggface." Eggman frowned at him and pulled you onto the airship. "Well, Sonic, you may have known I would come, but I bet you don't know what I'm going to do with your little girlfriend!" Eggman cackled and flew away. Sonic smirked and looked at Tails. Wanna come along and see me beat up Eggface?" He asked. Tails laughed and nodded. Sonic turned and walked away, with Tails following closely.
on March 16, 2019
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Tails hugged you close and refused to let go. "No! Your not taking her! She's mine!" He screamed. Eggman frowned, pulled him off of you, and threw him against the wall, knocking Tails out and causing you to scream his name. Eggman hit you on the head, knocking you out. "Shut up, you insignificant bug." He said, and carried you out of the room, towards a cage.
on March 16, 2019
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Shadow pushed Eggman away from you and said, "No! You're not taking her!" Eggman looked at him, confused. "What? I thought we agreed, you go along with what I say and I tell you what happened to Maria." Shadow's jaw twitched at the mention of Maria. "I don't care. Take me, if you want, but not her." Eggman smirked. "Fine, Shadow, if you say so." He pulled out a knife and cut Shadow's wrist. Shadow fell back. "Now, where was I? Oh yes..." Eggman left Shadow and pulled you out of the room, towards a cage.
on March 16, 2019
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You picked silver.
on March 16, 2019
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I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was MoonstarOC
on March 16, 2019
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Bubblegumlynx's Photo 0
on March 16, 2019
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Bubblegumlynx's Photo 0
on March 16, 2019
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Bubblegumlynx's Photo 0
on March 16, 2019
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
"__! Get out!" You stand there to see Shadow on the ground. Scrouge turns around and smirks when he sees you. "Hey babes, ready for round 2?" He gets up before kicking Shadow making sure hes down. This makes you mad. "Get away from him. If you don't you will regret it" You growl. Scrouge raises a eyebrow. "Was that a threat?" He questions glaring at you. "__, please go!" Shadow shouts at you. You shake your head. "No, I can do this!" "Just-" "I can do this, Shadow, beileve me. I know what i'm doing". He looks down. "How touching" Scrouge said sarcam dripping with every word. You turn back to him and smirk. "well, if your so touched, I guess you would not mind if I did this" You kick his hand knocking the silver emerald out of his hand in into yours. "How did you-" "Hey scrouge?" He looks at you and you wave. "Goodbye" Shadow sneaks up behind scrouge and knocks him out in one blow. You giggle as he does so. "Good to see you finally got up lazy head" You say teasing him. "Hey! No fair!" He says crossing his arms. "I just find it funny how the ulitame lifeform that has done so many quests and fought so many enemys...has almost lost to a green hedgehog" Shadow falls silent. "...Shut up __" He says pouting a little bit and walking off. You chuckle and skip after him happy you could help.
on March 16, 2019
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
A slow song? But it was just getting good! You sigh and go sit down next to the snack bar and snach a few dozen crisps and chop them down. Nom nom nom! You see all the girls dancing with some of the guys. Sapphire with Sonic. Lea was with Manic having a laugh and messing around with her brother. Alexis was sat in the corner while Dominic was purpusly trying to annoy her. You chuckle and the scene. Now that you notice every single guy is dancing...wait wheres Shadow? You feel a tap on your sholder and turn around. Shadow was stading there a small smirk on his face. "You enjoying those crisps?" you laugh. "Mabbyyyeee". Shadow chuckles then scrached the back of his head and mumbled someting "Huh?" You ask taking another handful of crisps. "You wanna dance?" He asks and you nod smiling. You chomp down the crisps and get up. "You better be a good dancer Shadow because those crisps are awesome!" He smirks. "Lets find out shall we? We are gonna put the rest to shame"

You and him dance though the whole song not breaking eye contact for even a second. When the song came to a end you could still not help but stare into his red orbs. When you both finally came back to reality he chuckles. "So? I am I a good dancer? Or would you rather stuff yourself with crisps again?" You roll your eyes and playfully elbow him in the side. "Knock it off" Sudenlly your voice boomed though the speakers. You were singing Bleeding love! You laugh and remeber when you was on that stage singing your heart out...
on March 16, 2019
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