AskJessicaGF - Page 25

Hi I'm Jessica and i draw art that's all you need.

Awesome People to follow
@Blue_kid The greatest friend I can ever ask for. See More▼
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on April 15, 2017
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on April 15, 2017
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on April 15, 2017
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on April 15, 2017
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on April 15, 2017
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on April 15, 2017
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on April 14, 2017
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Just... Why... SpongeBob??
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on April 14, 2017
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on April 14, 2017
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Plz like it .... This took forever
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on April 14, 2017
That moment when you finished the lineart on a drawing and your proud of it.
But then you realize that you drew the lineart on the same layer that the sketch is on.
on April 14, 2017
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on April 14, 2017
Look what personality I've got! What about you?

YEEEESSSSS Omg I love her so much!
Uekiya Engeika
Uekiya Engeika
Uekiya is known throughout the school for her kind and caring nature. She cannot resist helping others in need, and is always trying to make everyone around her feel as comfortable as possible. She has been nicknamed "Everyone's Big Sister" for doting on her classmates as if she was a loving family member.
Uekiya's strongest passion is undeniably gardening. She sees infinite beauty in flowers, and takes great pleasure in growing them, arranging them, and sharing them with others. She has also proven herself to be an adept landscape artist. A career in horticulture is undoubtedly in her future.
If she's certain that there is nobody in her vicinity who needs her help, then Uekiya can always be found in the Gardening Club, tending to her various plants, which she sometimes refers to as her "children". As the president of the club, she is always delighted to assist others in developing their own gardening skills.
on April 14, 2017
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A picture to go with the poem ?
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on April 14, 2017
I'm going to tell y'all my ships in Yandere simulator because I'm bored

Sakona~ Saki x Kokona

Ships I like
Oka x Shin
Amai x Kizana
Midori x Kuu dere See More▼
on April 14, 2017
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Zane =3
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on April 14, 2017
on April 14, 2017
on April 14, 2017
Look what personality I've got! What about you?

So true when I'm trying to talk to new people in real life.
Extremely shy, Danderes tend to be bad at communicating. Danderes are very cute and inocent and with anime, is the most likely one to be your Waifu/Hasbuano.
on April 13, 2017
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on April 13, 2017