RayneCloud's Pages

RayneCloud has 4 published pages
Are you there?
Are you real? Is this real? Am I real? Where am I? I don't know how I got here...
2 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
The Roaring Fire Of Bullshittery
This is about @TearsDropLikeTheRain , this is made public for her boyfriend, so he can understand what occurred today. Thanks for reading.
0 subscribers 2 members profile page
Vent Stories/Page
This is just vent stuff I wrote either recently or not long ago, if anyone would like to add to this page, you can, everyone is accepted here, if you want advise, ask and you shall receive. <3 You are loved. If not by others, b...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
My Poems because I can :}
Shout out @tinygoat! ; ; = Sad stuff I’m either going through or thinking about. - - = Normal poetry, something calm and nice. Or just something happy. [ ] = Sad stuff that’s either traumatized me, changed my life, or someon...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened