
Specializes in the design, manufacture, and supply of timber roof trusses, wall frames, and engineered timber products. They have been in operation for over 30 years and have a reputation See More▼
Timber roof trusses are structural frameworks made of wood that provide support for the roof of a building. They are designed to carry the weight of the roof covering, distribute the load evenly to the walls or supports, and provide stability to the overall structure. Timber roof trusses have been widely used in construction for their strength, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. Visit for more information.
Timber Roof Trusses - Melbourne Timber Frames
Timber Roof Trusses - Melbourne Timber Frames
At The Truss People, we specialize in timber frames, roof trusses and wall frames. Contact us to acquire trusses for your building needs in Melbourne.
on June 15, 2023
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on June 15, 2023