swageyamatobiyolo's Starred Questions

swageyamatobiyolo has 15 starred questions
Who are y0ur OTPs? :3
Sorry, I'm in the mood for shipping. Mine are... Kyoko Sakura X Sayaka Miki and Homura Akemi X Madoka Kaname if you didn't know, which you probably know.
4 / 5 profile question
Who is your favorite Youtube rapper, music maker or singer?
So anyone on utube that u think is ur fave person that makes music
5 / 6
Which YouTuber is Your Favorite?
There are so many wonderful YouTubers. My favorites are Beautybysiena, Rclbeauty101 and Arden Rose. There are so many more, but I would be here all day. Please tell me your favorites, and I might check them out! ~Mia
9 / 0
What is your favorite song on Earth?
Favourite Film or Movie
Many of them, time to narrow it down...
7 / 0
whats your favorite band/artist?
26 / 38
who would you date if it was a celebrity?
i would always and never change date bradley steven perry or rylie mcdough. rylie mcdough is the picture of the boy that i use for my brother in the story one afternoon in my basement 2
11 / 6
Which celebrity would you marry?
18 / 8
What was the first song you heard from your favourite singer?
Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
19 / 4
Who's Your Favourite from Five Seconds of Summer?
I love Luke!!!! :D :D :D He is just so... words can't describe it!! :D
5 / 2
Do You Understand This Joke?
Once there were three men named Manners, Shut Up, and Poo. they were driving along in their car, and Poo threw a can out the window. "You can't do that Poo" said Manners. So they pulled over into a non-parking zone, and Poo wen...
16 / 0
What is your best April Fools Day joke you pulled on someone?
I'm wondering what you've done. I don't really do April Fools Day jokes but I do them sometimes so I'm wondering if you've done some.
8 / 1
Book Crushes! GUYS AND GIRLS
This is for guys and girls, and please keep the books g rated, or so, and say why you like them, and not because they sound hot or cute!
24 / 5
What is your least favorite Harry Potter book? And what is your favorite book and why?
I am just curious on what people will say? The more to your answer the better:D thanks!
4 / 0
What do you think about Ariana Grande?
Please tell me what your favorite characteristic about Ariana she is very popular so I wanted to know what you think about her. Please Follow me. Bye thanks.
8 / 0