The Train Station

The Train Station

This is a story that was assigned for homework at my school. I really liked it and i decided to publish it on here! Hope you like it!

published on November 21, 201544 reads 9 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 7.

Chapter 7

The kids were walking home from school when they passed by the train station. "Ugh," said Marie. She suddenly felt a wave of pain pass over her. "What's wrong?" asked John Philip. "I just felt a weird for a second," she said. "Why does it seem like every time we pass by the train station, you feel sick?" John Philip said. "I don't know," she said. "Hey, look! There's that woman!" Marie said.
They looked a few meters ahead of them and saw the woman that told them the story about the ghost. They caught up with her and asked her more about the story. They told her that Marie had been having weird feelings ever since that day. "Oh, that's weird. I don't think that has anything to do with the ghost. Unless, do you believe in ghosts?" the old woman asked. Marie thought for a second. "Well, not really," she said. "Oh..." said the old woman, "that might be the problem." "Why?" ask John Philip. "If you don't believe in ghosts, then they get mad," said the old woman. Marie got scared. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be somewhere," said the woman. "That was weird," said John Philip. Marie just stood there with a scared face. They walked back to their house and right when they got inside, Marie disappeared into her bedroom and didn't come out the whole night.
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Comments (2)

Nice story!
on November 26, 2015
on November 24, 2015