The Train Station

The Train Station

This is a story that was assigned for homework at my school. I really liked it and i decided to publish it on here! Hope you like it!

published on November 21, 201544 reads 9 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 6.

Chapter 6

Marie woke up the next morning in her bed with the sun shining through her bedroom window. She couldn't remember anything that happened last night. She got up, but she immediately fell on the ground and her legs felt numb. Her mother heard the thud and came running upstairs. "Marie, is everything okay?" she asked. "No. The last thing I remember is that I was at the train station with John," Marie said.
"Yes, he told me everything. Including the part where you lied to me and said you were going to the library," said her mother. Marie's face fell. She completely forgot about that part. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that," she said, feeling guilty. Just then, John Philip walked into her room. "Hi, Marie. Are you feeling better?" he asked. "Yes, but I can't remember anything," Marie said. "We were walking down the stairs and then you randomly fainted," John Philip said. "Oh, so that's why I feel weird," she said. "When I saw you, you looked pale, like you saw a ghost," said John Philip. "Okay, breakfast is ready!" called their mother from downstairs. "Maybe I did see a ghost," said Marie as they walked downstairs.
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Comments (2)

Nice story!
on November 26, 2015
on November 24, 2015