

Nikki is not a normal girl. She gets abused by family and rich girls. She finally decides to get revenge on all with her little friend, TicciToby. Want to know their adventure? Read this story, now!

published on June 17, 201642 reads 14 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 3.
The thought.

The thought.

When I was tired, and slept on the bottom bunk I began to think... what if Toby and I could become.... killers? Even if we caught we had nothing to live for. So who cares? "what if we became killers, Toby?" I asked.
"yeah, actually.... I always had a secret that I wanted to kill..." he replied.
"me too.. shall we?" I asked.
"yeah, sure." Toby replied again.
The next day I ran home evily giggling. Instead of my parents scratching me with a knife, I turned it around, just a little more deadly. I ran into my room and ripped out my eye. I put into a little nice jar. I screamed in pain, but I loved it. I put my old clock into my eye. Don't call me Nikki, call me Clockwork. Would you like to feel like joy too? Along with my friend whom will help, TicciToby and we are called the TicciWork team!
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Comments (3)

awespme story!
on January 20, 2018
Am I the only one who thinks Clockwork is kind of like a mary-sue? I mean, she has a tragic backstory, she's friends with Toby... And then out of nowhere, she wants to become a killer... Honestly.
on June 28, 2016
i liked the first two chapters.
on June 24, 2016