Glitchy Bree 'Re-Written

I just thought the pasta could be better. I actually gave her a back story...

published on September 17, 201527 reads 8 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Bree' s little Glitch

Bree waited until Samuel went onto to make her move. When she found his cell, Bree stalked it with her cell, which was #2 on the leader board. Eventually,Samuel' s cell was split killed. Glitchy Bree got out of the game and into Sam's computer. Later that night, she would finally become a pasta...
"Hello'", Sam whispered as his computer screen lit up. There was the figure of an unknown girl on the screen. Her dark brown hair flowed over her left eye, she had a tall figure, and her visible eye looked very similar to BEN's eye. She looked like a pastamonster version of... Bree? The girl suddenly came through the screen! She said in a slightly sinister voice, "Want to play my game?..." Bree found enjoyment in saying that, as it sounded perverted. Samuel, not knowing what to say just replied, "Yes" The mysterious girl returned inside of the screen and the game, "" opened. Samuel was split killed again, but this time he heard the words, "Game Over..." Then, The girl returned, only this time, she looked extremely violent. "Remember me?", the glitch seethed. Samuel, who was frozen in fear, only said "Bree?" The girl only responded "I drowned because of you." Then, three, sharp, metal claws appeared on her fingers. Bree pounced on top of Sam, and scratched him with the claws. Then, Bree (Who died of drowning, after all) set the boy on fire, a horrible way to die...
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