My Top Ten Favorite Sonic Games.

My Top Ten Favorite Sonic Games.

This is totally opinion based so don't get mad at me if I choose certain games.

published on January 22, 20158 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.
#9: Sonic Rush Adventure

#9: Sonic Rush Adventure

Number nine is Sonic Rush Adventure. I think some of you guys would have THOUGHT that I'd put it at like number six or five but no. There are better Sonic games than this one.

For me, Sonic Rush Adventure was my first Sonic game EVER. I was about nine when I got it and I was so happy when I did open it for Christmas. I was off on a new venture lala lala lala a new venture.~ Huh? Sorry I love that soundtrack. Sonic & Knuckles was the first game I've ever seen but Sonic Rush Adventure was my very own. The oldest Sonic game I have is: Sonic Triple Trouble which I downloaded from the gamestore on my 3DS. I saw Sonic & Knuckles from a friend.

Sonic Rush Adventure amazed me as a child. During those times all I cared about was finishing the stage as fast as possible. Also because mostly you faught against "Whiskers" in this game instead of Eggman I didn't know who Eggman was. I also did not know who Amy or Cream were either. I always loved the fact that Marine had an Australian accent. Because this was my first Sonic game I knew about Sonic, Tails, Marine, and Blaze first the story itself was really cool also.

The gameplay may be a bit of a platformer there are some moments when it goes 3-D the most common I found are during the cutscenes and some boss battles. I liked this game a lot because you didn't just play as Sonic so when I unlocked Blaze I found her fire power very interesting and cool so I instantly played as her and I still do.
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