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Latest on Qfeast - Page 1548

Wich actress should be the next doctor who companion after Jenna Coleman?
Angelina Jolie
Cameron Diaz
Emma Stone
Jennifer Ani...
+ 12 more
9 votes 0
Which of the evil Roman Emperors are you?
some of the most evil men in history were roman emperors,but which of them are you the most like? find out here.
17 responses 5
Lady Indian Swimming and Diving
If you are part of Cheyenne Central High swim team, join this page for the following updates.
0 subscribers 1 member
Do you want to start the school?
40 votes 6
Will you survive the Hunger Games? (1)
Do you like the Hunger Games series of Suzanne Collins and want to be in the Games? Do you think you will win and get the prize, almost make it to the end, or certainly not survive the Games (this isn't bad because it means tha...
24 responses 6
It's who we are
Sorta based on Lego Ninjago, 5 friend find out one of them could become the next master of power/powers. However they're not the only ones, a tournament is set up to see who is the best of many fighters, however the friends soo...
73 reads 12 readers 41
Chipmunks or Minions?
Alvin and the Chipmunks!
32 votes 9
Which fantasy movie (series) is your favorite?
Do you love watching fantasy films? Which fantasy movie or movie series do you like the most? Twilight? Eragon? City of Bones? X men? Batman? Percy Jackson? Ender's Game? Harry Potter? LOTR? Hobbit? Please write which fantasy m...
6 / 5
Thalia Grace or Reyna Arellano?
Thalia Grace
Reyna Avila ...
7 votes 0
Which of the following heroines do you like most?
Katniss Ever...
Tris Prior/C...
Annabeth Cha...
+ 2 more
15 votes 4
President Snow or Jeanine?
Snow, Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games
Jeanine, Veronica Roth's Divergent
9 votes 2
Things you just LOVE
This is similar to the page of "things you just CANT stand" so im giving credit to the person who created that page The inly difreance to that page,is that instead of things you just cant stand,these are things you LOVE So shar...
55 subscribers 3 members
Would We Be Friends? (13)
Okay, so I'm pretty much friends with everyone but this quiz is going to tell you if I'd enjoy being friends with you. So if you're looking for a new friend or you're just bored, hopefully I can make your day a little more soci...
26 responses 7
Rise of Arcturus: Scraps
Its just a personal project I've been working with a friend, I figured I may as well share some scraps and ideas on here and see what the populous has to say about it.
4 reads 3 readers 0
The dog who could not bark frinemys
Another puppy who could not bark book has started will worrier Skye wake up from her coma what will happen with Marshall and Chase lets see.
27 reads 6 readers 0
Could you be my twin?
Take this quiz if your bored or if you want to be my twin! Also tell me what you got in the comments so we can be friends! Or if we already are friends, we can be better friends! *picture is me and my mom* *This quiz is for boy...
24 responses 15
Are u bored?
This is a quiz if u r bored. Obivously.. coz I know I am! X3 yay! Anyways this quiz should be easy.. I think.
24 responses 4
This cat is feeling:
What do cats do to show there feelings. Become a master at interpretating cat movements and discover there feelings.
6 responses 3