nyxshattered's Stories

nyxshattered published 3 stories
Last of your Tribe
You Had to hide.. but from who. of course hide form the invaders you watched them slaughter all your tribe members but some got taking away you hear the cries of your people the war cry the battle the invasion until you not...
81 reads 11 readers 5
Maze In wonderland
What happens if you (y/n) found a rabbite hole and fell in and been mistaken to be Alice/Alex. HOLD IT LETS START WITH THIS SO IT CAN MAKES SENES TO YOU. Alice finally grown up but you lived in her house. and you saw the rabbit...
18 reads 5 readers 0
Alex/Alice is ours !
What happen if you get taken and claimed to be Alice or Alex. Well join the story full of twist and turn and many CreepyPasta entering the world with the Twisted people. Would if the creepypasta leader want you to join in the...
22 reads 5 readers 1