About magic101

  • Hello!
    My fandoms are: Chronicles of Narnia, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes and My Neighbor Totoro
    Let's see. I love history, so I watch the history channel. I like to : Make crafts, read, anything art-related and go on qfeast.
    IRL friends: @Ravenclaw3243 and @Fluffichan
    Cabin: Demeter
    Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
    District: 4
    Quote to remember: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"- Socrates
    Thanks you so much @Ravenclaw3243, @MockingjayDistrict, and @JeweledOwl for being my first followers! Please follow them, they're awesome!
    Thanks for reading! :3
  • Joined Qfeast on September 19, 2014