a_disgusting_banana's Page Memberships

a_disgusting_banana is a member of 3 pages
Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.
996 subscribers 72 members
Qfeast Marathon
Hello Folks! This is the date the page was created, 19/Aug/13. Two days before my school starts. Anyway, This webpage is for Qfeast contests. Only members are allowed to participate. Anyone who participates without being a memb...
3 subscribers 28 members
Rabbits deserve to glow in the dark...
If you think that rabbits deserve to glow in the dark, that chairs should have the right to sing, and banana's should stop being held captive, then comment as much as you can. Add other random stuff too, go on my page today!
2 subscribers 7 members