SwindleElementTheLightHedgeWolf's Favorite Quizzes

SwindleElementTheLightHedgeWolf has 3 quizzes marked as favorite
How much do you know about Swift?
Hey yo! Swift Element here! Take this quiz to find out just exactly how much you know about her! (Well, so far. :P) So enjoy the quiz, and tell me your results! Later my Elements!
17 responses 13
Yet Another Sonic WWFFY! (Girls only!) Part 2!
Hey yo! I'm back with an all new fresh WWFFY! Ok so recap: You saw these blurs running around your house and follow them to the woods right behind your house, you figure out they're hedgehogs and one is a wolf next thing you kn...
81 responses 43
Yet Another Sonic WWFFY! (For Girls Only!)
This is yet another Who Would Fall For You? the choices are Sonic, Silver, Shadow, and Scourge. Enjoy Sonic fans!
98 responses 27