Stealthpaw's Favorite Quizzes

Stealthpaw has 5 quizzes marked as favorite
Which Disney Fairy are you?
Which Disney fairy are you? Are you Rosetta,Slivermist,Fawn,Vidia,Perwinkle,Iradessa or our favorite fairy Tinkerbell! Leave in the comments who your resutls are if you wish.
165 responses 36
Which Natural Element is Yours?
I know there are a lot of quizzes like this one, but I just felt like making it! It's mostly because of my story 'The Girl With No Name', which is my first book in the series I'm going to do 'The Four Elements Trilogy.' So you ...
167 responses 43
What is your personality like?
It tells you about what your own personality is like, nice or anything like that.
59 responses 9
What colour lightsaber would you have?
There's been at least one of these before but it said that the colour was 'nice' or something else random, so here's some actual colours. Yes, I am going to include some colours that were in the books and games and not the movi...
87 responses 15
Which small wildcat are you?
See what small wildcat fits you, the choices are, servals, caracals, golden cats, and leapord cats.
46 responses 19