Sc3neC0r3's Pages

Sc3neC0r3 has 3 published pages
blah blah blah
qffeast is making me make this so uh hiii, wassup how are y'all?? ngl I'm trynna figure out how to work this thing
1 subscriber 1 member fully opened profile page
Scene, goth, emo, alt group
Hello I'm new (the account isn't, it belongs to my friend) and yeah I go by he/him um im scene but anyways pls join I love seeing others that show the same interest! Rules: don't be rude-, don't be racist, support others, and h...
3 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Pls explain what happened
so I heard some drama with moon the key and the old owner of this account, after I went to Russia for a visit I lost connection with them, so yeah uh only reason i have this account due to my now ex kinda forced me on here- any...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened