About PresidentMadoka

  • Too swood for you~
    I'm just your friendly neighborhood weeaboo trash!
    Old Account: @Foxy_The_Amazing_Pirate_Fox
    I'm kinda an asshole so yeah. :/
    I was a victim of 1607's fanservice.
    I'm sorry, I'm allergic to your bullshit.
    Kagami Hiiragi's my waifu.
    My Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113401437462528806665/about
    My Tumblr: http://weeaboodumpster.tumblr.com/
    Le Fandoms~ Madoka, MLP, Steven Universe, Rick and Morty, Vocaloid, South Park, Gravity Falls, Game Grumps, Dan and Phil, Smosh, GMM, Panty and Stocking, Pokemon, MPGIS, Divergent, Hunger Games, Homestuck, SnK, Green Day, Ken Ashcorp, Hollywood Undead, DHMIS, and probably other things I forgot about.
    Le Waifus/Husbandos~ Hiiragi Kagami, Sunset Shimmer, Hatsune Miku, Danny Sexbang, and Miki Sayaka
    Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmBIIvZNUlE
    Remember, Smiling Arin Turnip says:
    Stay in school
    Don't do drugs
    Eat your teeth
  • Gender Female
  • Joined Qfeast on December 23, 2014