Obese_Doggo_boi's Starred Questions

Obese_Doggo_boi has 9 starred questions
Who will be in Jade and manics wedding?
ok, so Jade said she want @SapphiretheHedgehog and Sonia (manic sister), and Crystal (jades twin sis) to be her 3 maids of honor, @DestinytheLion and @PikachuKitty, and @TailsLover AND Sally, Miley (Tails's twin sis), Nicole, a...
6 / 0 profile question
Who cares about Rainbowcrystalkookookitty?
Really, I bet no one does! If so, tell 3 reasons why you care.
6 / 6 profile question
Why Can't I Change My Username In 6 months
I'm relay anxious to change my username but I have to wait in like lots of months. I wish this setting would be taken off so I can change it any time I want
2 / 0 profile question
Do I have a HUGE friendship problem?
My friend flutterkitty and i had a fight. It was about which mlp shipping was better. We are now both very mad at each other. (There is proof) Can anyone help me?!
8 / 13
Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next?
We can make Qfeast better than everything else!
291 / 1030
What makes you loose your temper?
Everyone has that one thing. I want to know yours. I completely loose it when people doubt my various skills, I don't know it just enrages me.
13 / 0
What's your favorite nut?
Are you allergic to some nuts do you love nuts, what about cashews how do u feel about them?
3 / 2
what would you do if you were turned into the opposite sex?
man and woman are allowed.
23 / 17
can you roleplay with me?
i just wanna roleplay guys please you can do anyone you want
4 / 1 profile question