Minecrafter_43's Pages

Minecrafter_43 has 5 published pages
Is it time to be with him?
okay ya'll i'm having guy trouble. It involves two guys that i'm not sure i like one is three years older than me the other is two years older than me. plz help me. The first one lives in Oklahoma and only comes over in the sum...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Jacksepticeye fan page
This is where we talk about Jack's new videos, and other wacky things he does. Now take the stage!
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Karate Updates page
Ok so each week Imma going to update every Saturday about how I'm doin in Karate. Look in comments and sort it "newest to oldest" so your caught up
0 subscribers 1 member
Tell me what I should do b/c my "friend", Laura is always following me and I ask nicely to leave me alone, but she keeps following me. Then on the third or goth time I ask her to leave me alone, she threatens to tell a staff wo...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Villalobos help
ok, I need help to send some stuff to Villalobos, so if you want to help, put your email in the comments and I'll give you my address and a list of stuff to send me so please help, they've just been in a Tornado and really need...
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page