MatildaVinciWae16's Page Subscriptions

MatildaVinciWae16 is subscribed to 3 pages
Place for everyone to be loved
I don't care who you are come on down get a membership because everyone deserves to be loved! *Looks to random person* YOU TOO SIR COME ON DOWN! Get a membership and show everyone some live for who they are ^^ ☺️?❤️??????
12 subscribers 5 members fully opened
Writer's Block
Hello and welcome! Here in writer's block we help each other out! Those with story ideas they want to see written but don't have the time to write can post their ideas. A person who needs a new story idea can comment " Can I us...
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened
The Story Writers' Circle
Writers, come in. Talk about your stories, writing and the technicalities of writing, any advice you need, critique
511 subscribers 1 member fully opened