Kaleythecreepypasta's Stories

Kaleythecreepypasta published 4 stories
Eddsworld Shamchats
I got on shamchat, and here are some of the convos I've been in...so I hope you guys enjoy! Eddsworld and Shamchat do NOT belong to me. At All.
69 reads 43 readers 1
This is Sonic Truth or Dare XD
WARNING:Vulgar language..AND highly funny..If you die of laughter from reading this...I AIN'T PAYING FOR NO ONE INSURANCE!BTW this is a small remake to the first sonic truth or dare so please go check that out.
1 read 1 reader 0 profile story
Homestuck trolls in a nutshell.
Name something for the trolls to talk about,react to,or a challenge for them to do.
0 reads 0 readers 0 profile story
Fun with the creepypastas
Well this is just a story I made in my own time.You play as a female character who ends up getting kidnapped by Jeff the killer for no reason.He says that his ' BOSS' needs you...even though he is a terrible liar.So this is bas...
64 reads 19 readers 4