Jasmine_the_dragon's Quizzes

Jasmine_the_dragon published 4 quizzes
What type of guy would be best for you to date?
Take this quiz and figure out the type of guy that would be the most compatible with your interests and personality. Girls only sorry!
44 responses 8
How much does he like you? Situations Edition
Our first quiz in expert mode, in an all new format! The idea behind this is that the question is a situation you've found yourself in before, and you select what he did. We decode for you what his responses mean! Girls only, s...
13 responses 0
How much does he like you? 2.0
An awesome improvement on my original "How much does he like you?" quiz. A carefully constructed mix of original and brand new questions and answers, so you'll get the most accurate results possible! Girls only, sorry!
18 responses 2
How much does he like you?
How many girls are currently sitting there wondering if a guy you know is really into you or if he just want to be friends? Well it's time to find out!
27 responses 0