ILikeAssassinsCreed's Quizzes

ILikeAssassinsCreed published 3 quizzes
Ultimate <<Which templar are you?>>Assassin's Creed quiz 2015
All AC fans know what assassin they most resemble, and if you don't, then be sure to check out my <<Which assassin are you?>> quiz. But have you ever wandered what templar would you be if you were on the other side of this cent...
34 responses 4
Ultimate <<Which assassin are you?>> Assassin's Creed quiz 2015
This version of the <<Which assassin are you?>> quiz is updated up to Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Have fun and keep stabbing templars!
74 responses 8
Ultimate quiz on Ezio - Assassin's Creed quiz
This is a quiz that focuses on Ezio's life as seen in the games (1-9 from AC2, 10-17 from ACB, 18-28 from ACR) and in Assassin's Creed Embers (29,30), NOT on the books. Have fun and keep stabbing templars!
4 responses 0