Honorable_LOVE's Quizzes

Honorable_LOVE published 4 quizzes
Which hetalia character are you most like? (2)
Ready to find out which Hetalia character your most like? Please answer truthfully to get the best result! <3 I really hope you guys like it! <3 I worked so hard on this -_- *Any who let me know what you think :)
66 responses 24
Would you belong to the Nordics or the Baltics?
Okay hears my next quiz! Hope you guys enjoy it :3 I personally like the Nordics better HOWEVER I agree that the Baltic's are supper cute :3 <3 ALSO! This quiz is pretty short but that's due to there being only two options you ...
20 responses 4
HETALIA: Who would be your Best Friend?
Okay I my quiz has been deleted at least 7 times now hope this turns out well. :/
78 responses 15
Hetalia Boyfriend Quizz
Okay I was working on this all night long! And then it force closed on me and now I had to start all over BUT I am going to make it :)
85 responses 24