Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love's Questions

Harley_Quinn_Jokers_love asked 9 questions
What is your favourite song? (3)
What would be your favourite, the song can be from any category you like! My favourite songs are from 'Pop' category
0 / 0 profile question
If you were to become a president, what country would you rule and why?
Sometimes it would be fun to find out what others like, here is the question above!
4 / 0
Who bought the new Harry Potter book?
A new book Harry Potter and the cursed child came out last month (31st July 2016), who has it?
2 / 0 profile question
Who is your celebrity crush? (1)
Write in the comments below who is you celebrity crush, like my celebrity crush is Daniel Radcliffe!
7 / 0
Are you excited for the new Harry Potter book and movie announcement (Harry Potter and the Cursed child)?
In July 31st 2016, a new Harry Potter book and movie (Harry Potter and the Cursed child) coming out, If you don't know who Harry Potter is, go and watch movies or go to the nearest store and buy books if available, I am so exci...
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How many Youtuber do you know?
List all the youtubers you know and then I will create a poll about those youtubers, Thanks!
4 / 0
How is James Bond better than Harry Potter?
I just struggle to think why people think that in a somewhat way James Bond is better than Harry Potter? If you know please tell me, also if you are a Harry Potter fan sing the song about Hogwarts esp. Hogwarts Hogwarts Hoggy ...
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Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die?
This question will also make you think carefully and when you answer please comment why you picked that answer!
6 / 0
Would you rather have all farts be silent but EXTREMELY deadly, or all farts be harmless but EXTREMELY loud?
This question will make you think and when you pick the answer please comment why you picked it so!
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