Elory's Quizzes

Elory published 5 quizzes
Are you two right for eachother?
Do you like someone, or you like eachother and feel perfect? Or maybe you're proving to your friends that you two are actually perfect, and have alot in common. You can take this quiz!
22 responses 4
What fragrance should you wear?
Surely everybody wants to smell amazing, because nobody wants to stink like a sweaty sock! But which fragrance would best fit you?
23 responses 5
What kind of food are you? (1)
Are you a sweet lollipop or a juicy strawberry? Find out in my new quiz about food!
17 responses 9
The Witch Test
Have you ever wanted to be a witch? Anyone can, even boys (male witches are still witches, not wizards). Take this test to see if you have the knowledge to proceed to learn spells.
21 responses 2
Which The Doggie Six character are you?
The Doggie Six is a YouTube series by the creator of Doggie School Simulator. Sadly, that game was deleted but the characters from the game live on in The Doggie Six! Who are you most like?
4 responses 0