
YAY I can have a husky I will do ANYTHING to make sure it is healthy and happy! I take care of a husky it isn't mine but I love it so much I feed it and play with it and it loves me but im so happy that I can get one! :D <3 = 3
For sure!
For sure!
Yay, you can SO get a husky! You are just like them, adventorous, energetic, you get along with others, you can be smart but sometimes bored if you don't get attention and you are loveable! Huskies require daily walks and they have long fur, so it might be a challenge. But if you're like me, and you'll take a husky, THEN GO FOR IT! :D You might be busy sometimes, like me but you'll always make sure your husky is happy!
on April 21, 2020
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on April 21, 2020