What was your first impression to your favorite fandoms?

Creepypasta: Oh, these guys are so cute! (I'm a nut)
Gmm: Hm, this seems interesting. (I thought Link's name was Scott XD)
LoZ: No... must. Not. Join.other. fandom!
Fnaf: NOW I see what all of the hype is about! This is epic!
AoT: Armin, you sound like a majestic fuucking eagle!

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Here's my list.(TOP 10)
1.Dinosaurs/Jurassic Park
2.Pokemon (not really a fan of the Anime)
3.Legend of Zelda
4.Lord of the rings/The Hobbit
5.Doctor Who (Favorite Doctor = 11th Doctor)
6.YouTube (Favorite YouTube Channel TheGamingBeaver) See More▼
on October 15, 2015