My boyfriend is too jealous & I don't know What to do..

So me & This guy been dating for almost 2 years, he's always been respectful with me & My family. I have a guy best friend (he used to crush on me) & One day he put his arm around me when I was walking so I guess my boyfriend saw & he pushed my friend off & they were so close to fighting. I hate how he's over protectiv of me, he always Wants to be next to me everywhere I go. He gets mad over a stupid comment a guy makes on my pictures on facebook I know its disrespectful for someone to say things about my body on a pictures so I understand why. This guy I recently blocked because he commented on my picture saying " You got a small waist and fat butt" and he sends me nasty pictures & I told my boyfriend he got really angry & said its my that guys tell me things I don't like jealous guys Well a little bit but nit that jealous it's annoying, His mom adores me & his whole family like me but I dont know if I can still be in a relationship with him I do like him I just wish he could trust me & stop being so jealous. Should I dump him? Help pleasee!?

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Answers (6)

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Tell your BF your feelings, you should NEVER be miserable in a relationship
on September 15, 2015
I have a guy like this too !
on March 27, 2014
If I'm not too late like I am, remember this, even if I am too late, Here's something I say/think whether it makes sense or not. To give is to take, to care is to be cared.
on October 01, 2013
DUMP HIM!!!!!!111
on September 13, 2013
Tell him that you're a big girl and you can take care of yourself. Tell him that you love that he cares about you that much, but it's just too much! Hope this helps!
on September 12, 2013
Let him know how you feel about his jealousy. Tell if he can't stop than you guys can't date. If he can't agree than that's his loss. But if he's willing to stop just let him know that you're not going to cheat on him. Set boundaries. I wish you luck.
on September 11, 2013