wolfman's Starred Questions

wolfman has 8 starred questions
how are you? (2)
just checkin in guys. how is everybody? what have you been up to? looking forward to anything?
0 / 0 profile question
Fnaf or coke?
I love fnaf and I love coke! Which one should I choose?
23 / 30
Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not?
Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? This is NOT to start drama or cause arguments; if you start being rude to people, I will either edit or delete your comments/answers. Thanks!
69 / 258
What are your views on Islam and Muslims in America?
Just wondering. Sorry no image, I'm on mobile.
6 / 0
How do you feel about the recent legalization of Gay Marriage?
5 / 2 profile question
How do you feel for gay relations?
I wanna know what your opinion is!
139 / 528
Read the description.
Ha. You fell for it. Your read the description. Now you are under my spell. Mwahahahahahaha. You will now remember the worst thing you have ever done in your life, and regret it. Ha. You will now think of the funniest mo...
9 / 8