The_Chez_Man's Pages

The_Chez_Man has 9 published pages
Try to make me blush .
yep bringing this back cause im sad rn and this will prob help. anywaysss try to make me blush
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened
me :'(
this is so i can talk to myself because i feel stupid and lonely so i am going to talk to myself
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Left 4 Dead rp
you can be either a survivor zombie or a special infected left for dead rpgo:) please dothis it would mean alot to me
2 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
So i can talk to kitten_snowflakes
so i can talk to kitten_snowflakes on the member chat yay! :) and now i
0 subscribers 2 members fully opened
So i can talk to AlexTheWolf
yeah so i can talk to them in private *let me continue stupid qfeast finally*
0 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Meme page (3)
come here to post anything you would like (especially memes). you can also become a member if you want
6 subscribers 4 members fully opened
Janes account
jane just because you think the way you are right now does not mean that it is true because it is not true GO TO JANES LATEST POLL AND PICK NO
2 subscribers 2 members fully opened
My face (1)
hey about my face i am going to keep it hiden or most of it at least. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened
why am i so skiny?
i am so skiny its like i eat nothing but i do eat a lot sometimes its so wierd
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened