dark_rose's Starred Questions

dark_rose has 8 starred questions
How was your first day at school?!
School woohoo!
15 / 7
Do you people respect gay rights?
Why do people have such a problem against gays and their rights? People are really rude just because they're in love with their same gender! Is there something wrong with that?!
22 / 58
What are you most proud of doing in Sims?
What's better? Hunger Games or Divergent?
I like both, but I wanna know which you like better. And please no hate comments because someone likes it and you may not.
13 / 19
whats your reputation?
please answer :)
28 / 31
If you died today what would you die from
What's something dumb that your school has banned?
More specifically, anything that was banned either for no good reason or anything that got banned that was so absurd that you wouldn't even think it would happen.
8 / 0