traslia - Page 7

HEY GUYS!! Wats up?
I'm traslia for those who can't read (but i guess they wouldn't be able to read this either!) and I love a lot of things and I am a Christian! YAAAY *starts dancing See More▼
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Your life at Hogwarts: Part 1
This will tell you what happens at your stay at hogwarts. Girls only. Gryffindor only! it will be continued in the next quiz but coment if you want me to continue! oh and please fallow so you can see what happens next! have fun :)
409 responses 41
on January 27, 2013
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Hogwarts horrors part 2
mwahahahaha! part 2... what will happen now??????? mwhahahahahahahahaha again!
82 responses 11
on January 27, 2013
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Whats Your Harry Potter Life?
Your Harry Potter Life! Name Boyfriend House Blood What They Say Of You!
197 responses 35
on January 27, 2013
Hey traslia wazzup?
on January 27, 2013
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Hogwarts Diary! 2.
This is "Year 2" of my Hogwarts Diary! Take "Year 1" first so you don't just randomily guess... I made the picture, it's from Deathly Hallows part 1! Let's GOOOOOOOO!
108 responses 0
on January 25, 2013
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whats your type of guy
find out whay type of guys best for you :) good luck and have fun :) :)
235 responses 24
on January 25, 2013
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What would the Harry Potter people say about you?
Girls only please! (Sorry Guys!) Figure out what the HP people would say about you! (What will they say of you?!?!?!?! Will they like you? Or hate you? FIND OUT!)
204 responses 0
on January 24, 2013
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Harry Potter Tales(only girls)1
Take this quizz if you want to know your hogwarts love...only for girls!!!
216 responses 23
on January 24, 2013
created a personality quiz
which member of the DA r u?
In 5th book harry creates his own dada ( defensive against the dark arts ) class/club for the new dada teacher ( professor umbridge ) refuses to teach them anything against stuff from book! harry decided to call the club dumbl...
34 responses 14
on January 27, 2013
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Yule ball: Dress & Date
I am so sorry i don't have pictures! i will describe them the best i can! sorry!
82 responses 14
on January 23, 2013
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What Good Luck Charlie charector am I?
Have you ever wondered which Good luck charlie charector you are? You could be Gabe,Bob,Teddy,Amy,PJ,Charlie or Ivy! you never know you could be identical twins...
56 responses 14
on January 23, 2013
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traslia's Photo 3
on November 29, 2012
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traslia's Photo 1
on November 29, 2012
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traslia's Photo 6
on November 29, 2012
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traslia's Photo 4
on November 29, 2012
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traslia's Photo 4
on November 29, 2012
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traslia's Photo 6
on November 29, 2012
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is my crush worth it?
this quiz actually helps you too find out if your crush is worth having a crush on! <3
158 responses 22
on January 23, 2013
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
your original harry potter charter
what is your vary own harry potter charter? at Hogwarts is she nice cool or smart
99 responses 14
on January 09, 2013
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
will you be pretty when your 18
do you think you will be pretty find out here if you get the questions just right you may be beatufull
284 responses 87
on January 09, 2013