Switch: Battle of the consoles Book 1

Switch: Battle of the consoles Book 1

Switch, a teenaged console faces the dangers of the internet as he fights for the Kingdom NINTENDO in the console war versus kingdom SEGA.

published on April 23, 20205 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

The Journey pt. 2

“Well we cant just go in there looking like Nintendo consoles we’ll get captured at the flick of a power button!” I said after spending 2 hours deciding what to do.
“Ima be disguised as a SEGA Genesis!” 3DS said
“I call SEGA Saturn!” I said
“I call SEGA Dreamcast!” Wii said
We both looked at her
“I mean we both called our things so you don’t have to call one!” 3DS pointed out
Wii looked embarrassed and went to make her design elsewhere. I looked at him,
“3DS always Makin’ girls angry, tsk tsk tsk.” I said jokingly
“Shut up Switch and work on your disguise!” 3DS said.

About an hour later we finished on our disguises. And put them on. We put our Nintendo gear into our inventory cartridges.
“Best hide these so SEGA police won’t try and peak in ‘em.” I said
“SEGA police? I can betchoo there are no SEGA police in there.”
Wii said.
“Winner gets a kiss,” I said jokingly while Wii blushed Intensly.
“L-lets just g-go!” Wii said and she went off.
3DS looked at me
“Switch always making girls flustered, tsk tsk tsk.”
I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking.

We were able to get in the kingdom without the guards seeing us. We saw a bunch of Sonic the Hedgehog commercials, and those flying things were actually flying busses!
“How come kingdom Nintendo don’t have those?” 3DS said
“Wii have something better!” I said
“What could we POSSIBLY have better back there?” Wii asked
“You!” I said again jokingly
Wii blushed even more than earlier.
“Hey Wii!” 3DS said
“W-what?” Wii answered
“Did switch “Turn you on?” He said
“Oh my god.” Wii said blushing redder than my left arm when I still had on my Nintendo gear.
She walked faster
“Hey look! The SEGA police station! I called out
They both looked
“I gotta see this!” 3DS said and looked at us.
I looked flirty at Wii.
Wii looked at me
“Why must you STUPID boys do this to me?!?” She said blushing as she pecked me on the cheek and walked off. We followed.
“Ya think I have a chance with LITE?” 3DS said
“Bruh you have a crush on my twin sister?” I said
“Yep,” he responded
“There’s a small chance, it could go well if you “open up to her!”
We were both cracking up while Wii looked annoyed
“Can you guys STOP with the console puns?” She said annoyed
“Oh ok, “Wii” didn’t know it annoyed you” 3DS said and we both cracked up again. She just rolled her eyes and kept walking.
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