Ezra the Wolfbit

Ezra the Wolfbit

F.Y.I a wolfbit is a mixture of a rabbit and a wolf. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

published on June 23, 201462 reads 12 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 4.
A Night with Team Choatix

A Night with Team Choatix

"You hungry?" Vector asked. "Yes." I answered. Vector lead me outside where I found a table with all sorts of sweets on it. There was also tea. "Wow!" I said. Espio and

Charmy were already seated and eating. Vector sat down. "Oh I forgot! You want some tea?" Vector said. I nodded my head and sat next to Espio. Vector got up and went inside to get me some tea. I reached for a slice of chocolate cake. "So Ezra. Who tried to shoot you?" Charmy asked. "Charmy!" Espio snapped at him. "What I'm curious?" Charmy said. "I don't feel like getting into that story right now." I said. Vector came back and handed me my tea. "Thank you." I said. "No problem." Vector replied. He sat down next to Charmy and started eating. I sipped my tea and ate my cake. "You don't talk much do you?" Vector asked. I jumped a little cause I was startled. "No, but mainly cause I've never had anyone to talk to." I said. I took another sip of my tea. "But I don't want to get into that right now."
"So, what's your favorite color?" Charmy asked. "If you're going to stay here. We might as well get to know you."
"Well, I've never thought about it much, but my favorite color would have to be blue or purple." I replied. "My favorite is yellow." Charmy said smiling. "I like the color green." Vector said. "I like the color purple too." Espio said. "So... what type of animal are you?" Charmy asked. "Well, I'm part rabbit and part wolf. I like to call my self a wolfbit." I answered. "Cool." Charmy said giving me a thumbs up. I yawned and took a chocolate covered donut and took a bite out of it. "You like chocolate huh?" Charmy asked. "You ask a lot of questions." I said. "I'm kid, it's my job." Charmy replied. We all laughed at Charmy's joke. "Well, yes I do like chocolate." I said. I yawned again and drank the last drop of tea that I had left. "I think it's time for all of us to go to bed." Vector suggested. I got up then realized something. "Where will I sleep?" I asked. Vector facepalmed him self. "I forgot." He said. We walked inside. "Well, I can pull out some pillows that we have and I'm pretty sure that we have a blanket somewhere." Vector said. "Charmy go get the pillows!" Vector demanded. Charmy flew off to go get the pillows. Vector opened a locker and pulled out a blanket. Charmy came back with a pillow. "I could only find one." He said. Charmy laid the pillow on the floor and Vector handed me the blanket. "Thank you." I said. "It's the least we could do." Vector said. Vector flopped on the couch, Charmy flew in a locker, Espio went to the corner where he was meditating, and I laid my head on my pillow and covered up with the blanket and we all fell asleep.
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Comments (5)

Yes I did add Sonic. Exe and Tails Doll in here
on July 27, 2014
Cool story
Thanks. You'll like it even more when I'm done with it :D
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014