Ciel In a Kitten Outfit

Ciel is caught falling asleep again by Sebastian, so as punishment, sebby dresses him up in a kitty suit! But Sebastian is not yet satisfied by just LOOKING at Ciel...IF YOU DON'T LIKE LEMONS OR YAOI THEN DON'T READ! ALSO NO RUDE COMMENTS!

published on April 07, 2015253 reads 34 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

chapter 4

as usual to wake him up.

"bochan... it is time to start the day.." Sebastian cooed.

"Mphhhmghhmugghmmughnnmn..." Ciel muttered, unwilling to wake up.

Sebastian smirked. he had been expecting this sort of reaction. He leaned over the sleeping form. "Bochan... please wake up..." Sebastian said, licking the rim of his ear.

"GAHHHH!" Ciel said, startled, a blush starting to form on his face.

"Why, good morning, young master." Sebastian said, a smug grin on his face.

"Why must you start this this early in the morning..?" Ciel grumbled as he sat up on the bed.

Sebastian chuckled, then took of his master's nightshirt slowly. He undid each and every button, working his way down, smirking a bit when he saw Ciel tense up as he undid the last button on the bottom, revealing his member. Realizing what was exposed to Sebastian's eyes, Ciel pulled his legs up to hide so private a place.

"Is there something the young master is ashamed of...?" Sebastian purred when he saw Ciel pull up his legs. Ciel looked away, his blush deepening.

Sebastian got out his outfit for the day and dressed his master expertly, quickly tying perfect knots and buttoning up the vests and coat for him, then he had his bochan stand up so he could put on his pants. Ciel felt a sense of exposure and vulnurablity when his manhood was exposed, and somehow managed to darken his blush even more when Sebastian's hands gently, carelessly brushed his private area. His member twitched, and Sebastian let out a devilish grin that his master was so aroused by a simple touch.

Sebastian zipped up Ciel's pants and put on his shoes, then served him his snacks and tea as Ciel read the paper. "Twilight Rose today, Sebastian?" Ciel asked, sipping his tea as sweet, musky flavors danced on his tounge. "Yes, My Lord. You haven't had it in awhile, so I prepared it for you." Ciel finished his tea. "very well. I will be in my study finishing my papers." He got up and walked out of his room.

Later That Day...

Ciel sat in his desk, filling out some roundabout contract to have Funtom make peppermint kittens. Another paper asked permission to sell plush, ultra-realistic cats. And still yet another requested the use of wood to make beautifully-crafted wooden rocking cats with bells attached to them, complete with glass deatials engraved in them. For a brief moment, Ciel wondered if Sebastian was somehow influencing the papers that he got, because for some odd reason all the dog toys had gone out of stock, and the cats toys had been multiplying rapidly, when Sebastian walked in the room.

Ciel was expecting his usual afternoon tea, but Sebastian hadn't brought anything with him. Ciel raised his eyebrow and was about to ask where exactly his tea was when he heard a click and the door was locked. Sebastian strode towards the confused earl, holding something behind his back.

"Now, bochan, I understand that last night you kicked me out of your room before I could get my fill of you..." Sebastian said, smirking. "What is this about-" Ciel started, but Sebastian caught him. "and since it would be terribly embarrassing if anyone found out about you pleasuring yourself last night, I request you to wear this, so I don't tell anyone about the previous night." Sebastian took out the thing he was hiding behind his back.

Just from looking at it, one could tell that this wasn't everyday clothing.

The outfit that Sebastian was proudly presenting to his bochan had barely any cloth used in it at all; it was lacy and skimpy and shameless. where Sebastian even GOT the idea to make it look like this was unknown to Ciel, but one could tell for certain that this WAS NOT your average clothing.

The first part of the outfit had a dark, tightfitting corset with velvet laces twining around pitch black satin cloth that seemed to shine with it's glossiness. There was additional velvet lace around the skimpy sleeves that puffed out a bit; creating an innocent-but-naughty look, and a lush velvet ribbon was tied on the lower back of the flashy corset. In addition, there was a velvet-lined black leather collar complete with a shiny golden bell, and it looked quite like a choker. The pants of this garmet were not really pants at all, but much, much closer to girl's panties. they were black in color, with more luxurious velvet lace lining them, forming a suggestive pattern around the crotch area. And as if that wasn't enough, there was a silky kitten tail that had a hook on the end of it that was obviously made to hook onto the loop of the panties. As well as a tail there was a pair of black knee-high leather boots that had a high heel to them, and to go with it some lace fishnet stockings that could also be easily hooked onto the panties. And finnaly, to top it all off, the cherry on the sundae, there were a pair of oh-so-innocent black kitten ears with velvet inside lining.

Ciel stared at the skimpy outfit long and hard.

"I," he said firmly,

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