Your Deepest Fears~

Your Deepest Fears~

Welcome to my Circus of Death. We will Bring you a couple of...ideas... *giggles* The stories are told by my recent staff of my circus, time to explore their experience working for me, *psychotic laughter* Lets Go ---> Disclaimer: This is a story about Phobias.

published on October 19, 202020 reads 11 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 3.
Pediophobia: The fear of dolls

Pediophobia: The fear of dolls

*hides under sheets* not scared..*yeets doll* Okay Lets Start-

It was a normal day in my life. Just watching my sweet little girls play around. My parents always lecture me on how there girls and i should give them dolls, but i wouldn´t dare. After that incident where i almost died from chocking on doll hair, i never looked at dolls the same again, i wouldn´t want my girls to go through the same thing i did. After about 2 hours i finally put those little brats to sleep,i don´t hate them its just that they take forever to fall asleep. After i took a shower, i noticed that there were barbie dolls all over my bedroom floor, i backed out, almost having a straight up panic attack over some dolls. I asked my husband who just came home to get the dolls out, he told me there were no dolls on the floor, confused i checked the room and the dolls were gone. He told me to get some rest and stop being paranoid, but i just couldn´t help it, i don´t know why. The next day when i woke up my husband had already left for work, it seemed has if he brought the kids to daycare since it was Monday. I got up, put on my exotic outfit for another day in the circus, the Circus of Death. The name always creeped me out, but i could understand why ¨SHE¨ called it that, i would not dare speak her name out loud. Just before i left i heard little laughs that sounded like children coming from the bathroom. Curiously i walked over to it and almost tripped over my two left feet, dolls were hanging on the ceiling in the bathtub and in the toilet ew. I proceeded to leave but the door was no longer there, i was trapped in a room filled with dolls. Soon i felt something touch my leg, thinking i had gone insane i got up from off the floor. When i looked in the mirror my refection was smiling but i wasn´t, behind my reflection was this dark entity after seeing that entity, i felt something in my throat, i began coughing up blood, i drank lots of tap water but it just didn´t clear out, i kept coughing, i coughed so much i swear i though i was gonna cough my heart up. My eyes turned into this doll like antique eyes, was i becoming a doll? Soon i sorted feeling hair up my throat i pulled on it,  more and more started coming up, soon i was suffocating on doll hair, just like in the past. I kept pulling and pulling soon the sink was over flowing with doll hair, i soon heard the front door open, it was my husband! i banged on the bathroom door and when he opened it all he saw was blood all over the sink and my lifeless body on the floor, wait..i died!? soon i noticed that i had chocked myself to death. But i was Before i could get answer i flew up from what seemed like a nightmare to my husband beside me, i never felt so relieved in my life.  I tried touching him but my hand went through him, was i dead!? How could a doll a doll! drive me to insanity! How!?
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Comments (3)

Am i The only one that felt like something was in my throat in Chapter 3? Damn that one was good, scared me shizless. (im not scared of dolls btw)
Nah bro, i felt it while i was writing it. and Thanks <3
on October 22, 2020
on October 21, 2020
on October 21, 2020