the no named fan fiction

the no named fan fiction

this is a five nights at Freddy's fan fiction using one of my many OCs.

published on July 31, 201753 reads 11 readers 7 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3: Confession

I woke up at 5 the next morning to the smell of toast, my favourite food. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and there, waiting for me, was Vincent, his eyes shining in the light.
“Vincent, what are you doing here?” I asked.
“I thought I would just make you some breakfast,” Vincent replied.
“I mean, what are you doing here? You know, in my house?”
“Oh…I had something to tell you. You remember when I told Mike not to mention something? Well I’m going to tell you. I murdered 5 children. Their souls now possess the animatronics you see on the stage, in pirate’s cove and parts and service.”
I was stunned. I couldn’t believe that story.
“My son and daughter died to the animatronics I designed. I warned my daughter, my son died because of his brother and his friends…and me. I never saw the look of love on your face and I don’t think I ever will.” Vincent turned away from me, his eyes flickered to black then back to white.
“Vincent, I have to tell you something as well. I-I love you.”
Vincent stared at me in surprise. He seemed to calm down a bit. He smiled and stretched out his arms.
“I love you too.”
The hug seemed to last forever. His body was warm against mine. Eventually Vincent pushed away.
“We should get going. It’s almost 6 am.”
I grabbed the toast from the toaster and started munching on it, then grabbed Vincent’s hand. We headed to the pizzeria, we reached the door and there waiting for us were the night guards. We quickly released our grip before we walked in.
“Well look who decided to show up,” Mike said in an unfriendly tone.
“Vincent. Safe room. Now.” Scott forced Vincent into the safe room. It was almost 9 am by the time they came out.
“What took you two so long?” I asked. I looked at them and realized they had cuts and bruises everywhere. Vincent looked more injured than Scott. Vincent looked at me and I stared straight into his eyes. He was smiling, his eyes pure black instead of white. His eyes flickered and returned to white, his smile slowly fading. Vincent sat next to me in severe pain.
“Are you alright?” I asked. The night guards turned and stared at me.
“What? I’m a nice person. Am I not allowed to see if someone is alright?”
“I-it’s not that,” Jeremy stammered, “It’s that you’re asking h-him. Why not your brother?”
“Vincent is more hurt than Scott. Now where’s the medical kit? The kids will be here soon.”
Mike passed me the medical kit and I helped Vincent into the back office. I grabbed the bandages and started wrapping them around his arms.
“You should go out,” Vincent said, “I can finish it off.”
“Ok,” I replied, “Just don’t get into any more fights… and stay in here.”
I walked out of the back office and into a crowd of children and parents all walking to the tables. As soon as everyone was seated, I turned on the animatronics. The children’s shrieking laughter was giving me a head ache. I stayed in the room to make sure nothing bad happened. I had forgotten about Vincent and only after a few hours I remembered. I rushed to the back office to find Vincent was gone, the words ‘IT’S ME!!’ written in blood on the wall.
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Comments (7)

I have been in the FNaF Fandom for quite a while but recently I have been becoming stronger to the Fandom and when I saw this I had to read it. I liked how Vincent just straight up says he is going to murder some kids. I also have a OC (This is a lie I have, like, 6) who's name is Azure (They are cyan colored) they are a child and Scotts' Daughter (so they would See More▼
on April 28, 2020
While it could improve, the spacing and descriptions is done well. I like how your character immediately dislikes Purple Guy after he tries to murder a child. It's more realistic than what some others do (joining him). :>
I've released the next chapter
Hmm...Next time, maybe describe your character better? I might've missed it, but I didn't know there was an eyepatch. I like how the eye colour changes depending on the current emotion. I find it unique. Also, I think your character's relationship with Vincent is moving a bit too quickly. The interactions between them in this chapter remind me of a couple who See More▼
on August 03, 2017
on August 03, 2017
also your going to be so disappointed when i add the next chapter
I'll be sure to review it once you release it.
on August 01, 2017
on August 01, 2017
I've still got chapter six to add :3 then see how you like it
on August 01, 2017
on July 31, 2017