Death is another life.

Death is another life.

When a misterious boy arrives at school,Misty's life is turned upside down.She was never noticed before but now she learns the true meaning of invisibility.Is there enough love in the misterious boy's heart for her?

published on February 23, 20161 read 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.


I woke.Sfinx was standing over me.I got up and ran.I ran all the way home.I ran up the stairs of the apartment building.I ran into my families apartment and into my bedroom.Two of the walls had rose wallpaper on them and the other two were made out of glass.The benefits of being 20 stories up was that nobody could see in.I had run all the way home.My heart should have been racing but it wasn't.I checked my pulse.Nothing.I knew what happened next.The change.The fangs.The hunger for blood.''Misty I'm home''It was my mom.I ran out.''mom'' I said.''Misty.Where are you?''my mom said.
''What do you mean?I'm right here''
''She must still be out''
I ran back into my bedroom.My third mistake was leaving the window unlocked.''Nice room''said Sfinx.
''Get out you monster!''
''If you haven't noticed you're now a monster too''
''Why can't my mom see me?''
''Well,you see,when a human is made a vampire then that human becomes the vampire who turned them's servant.They also become invisible.So only I can make you visible again''
''By doing what?Giving me a piece of clothing''
''Its a Harry Potter joke''
''So you have to come with me''
''OK'' I said and we jumped out the window.
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