My Sonic OC's!

I'll add here all my Sonic OCs x) Maybe some have no pictures, it's just because Im drawing them u.u

published on February 02, 201555 reads 11 readers 3 not completed
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My Sonic OC's!
Chapter 2.
Miya Dark The Hedgehog (?)

Miya Dark The Hedgehog (?)

She's not really a hedgehog... She's Milea's anti. When Eggman did experiences on Milea, a psychpathic and evil form of Milea just borned... She's half a hedgehog, half an .EXE (if you look at her eyes). Her personnality is like Gasai Yuno's personnality in Mirai Nikki. She can seem friendly but she's only a killer. She always kill persons with her ax, or with her knife x3
She always smile just because she wants to afraid people...
She almost killed Silver... But you'll know more on her in my story!
She don't have any powers (AH!) but she is the best person who ''control'' weapons that Milea ever saw
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Comments (3)

oOo so...I help you join qfeast? *makes tiny gesture* Just a little bit ^.^
Yes xD
Yay!!! :D
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015
on February 06, 2015