Ben is spoiled rotton because his parents buy every single Legend of Zelda game. But he is not spoiled. What is his little secret?

published on June 17, 2016160 reads 50 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.

At school

"Hey, Ben. What's up with those nice scars. Did you cry?" Asked a jealous kid.
"Um, yeah. Don't feel jealous. You don't want my life." I told him.
"Why not? I want to be awesome like you!" Said another boy.
"I am not awesome like Link." I said, again.
"Yes you are! You look like him too! Just more cool!" Said another kid who liked gaming.
I shook my head and looked down. A whole bunch of girls ran towards me. "Are you okay? Do you need help? I will get the nurse!" Said the one.
"Go away, please. I am okay." I explained.
"Um... What happened, though?" Asked another girl with black curls.
"I fell off of my swing at home.." I lied.
"Oh. We'll leave you now." They ran off.
Thank goodness that was out of my way. I began running to the play ground but slipped on my sprained ankle. "ow..." I cried.
A teacher saw me and chased towards me. "Oh my Irene! Let's take you to the nurse." She helped me up. My ankle felt like it was broken. My knees were bleeding so badly to my ankle. I softly cried.
I limped to the nurse with the teacher putting my arm around her. I wish I could go to adoption and get adopted by her. She was my most favorite nurse. She'd always help me with my problems... Except the biggest problem. My life.
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