The Walk of the Gifted

The Walk of the Gifted

Aya the Deadly, Aya the Freak, Aya is someone who has many names. She's a freak among freaks. She joined a school for mages, and found out that her "gifts" were out of control, so the government, or also known as the Zodiac Elders, had her locked out and set to be executed. Harsh, I know, but she is of use to one of the Zodiacs so he kidnaps her. Now all she has to do is serve the Zodiac, but how can she do that when she fears his motives might be a little less for the good of the people, and more for the destruction of them.

published on August 28, 201430 reads 12 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 4.
The Unnamed Enemy

The Unnamed Enemy

We were outside the school, walking towards Rahzeals' apartment, or well, her dorm. Her name just confirms that this place doesn't take anyone with a normal name. We were waling in silence, well I was walking in silence and the divorced couple of seventeen was bickering like they had been married for a million years. It was agonizing because somehow I got stuck in the middle of both of them. Kihon and Kurumi were amazing, they could start arguing at the littlest things. I rubbed my temples and tried to block them out, but like I said, I'm in the middle of them.

"So I'm telling you, we should get some food before that. Rahzeal never has any food-yes I know she's hosting a party but still, it's not like the earthquake was planned-oops sorry Aya. I just want to get some food." She said, doing a little frustrated jump as she walked. Right now they were arguing about food, and before that, they were arguing about if they should go to Rahzeal or show me around town, and before even that, they were arguing about if they should host their own party as a thing for me, being the new person and all. As if I needed that, again, if I wanted to, it's not that hard to make friends. Just play the right personality for each person and you will win their hearts.

"Let's just go to Rahzeals' place, no one likes it when we're late. I mean, we bring the party." He said, and I thought that that was pretty arrogant. I rolled my eyes, this was just tiring listening to them arguing.

"God you two should hear yourselves, it's like you two are purposely arguing because you don't wan't there to be awkward silence or something. Are you sure you two aren't old married hags in disguise? Like that's your power, you get to stay forever young. If so, you two should totally let me in." I said tying to make them shut up, or at least stop fighting. And the whole power thing, powers are designated into classes, and you figure out your power with a simple card. It's just a normal card, a plain green checkered card. The process is, you hold the card, the card says what class you are. And the classes are mind, earth, fire, wind, water, spirit, and body. Of course, there are different ways to define each class, but they are the main categories. I got the class unidentified, which isn't really a class but more like a title to be completely defined later in life.

"No, I got the class spirit." Kurumi said, and I was shocked, spirit is one of the most rare classes of all. I just stared at her as she walked along as though being spirit was as normal as night and day. The rarest one of all was body, and those are what people used to call werewolves and vampires. Since they were hunted down, believed to be something they were not, they have become one of the most rare magic classes of all. Spirit means that she has the will to use people, and she can see ghosts and demons, as well as being able to use others power as her own. While the class mind is close, in the mind class, you are only allowed to manipulate and control anothers mind. And my class, or well right now it is to be considered a label, is something that no one has heard of, and will never hear of, it is being kept secret and if I tell anyone I am to be killed, so I prefer life over death and so I just keep my mouth shut.

"Yeah and I got earth." Kihon said, and I giggled. He gave me a funny look and I just shook my head.

"I just thought that with all your arrogance, your power would match your ego size." I kept giggling and Kurumi had a fit of laughter, Kihon just stopped walking in shock.

"Ego? What ego?" He asked catching up with us. I smiled at him and looked at the sky. I blinked at the brightness of the sun and looked at a lonely cloud in the sky. Alone in a sky, no others to relate with, none to just be by. I can't believe I'm personifying myself as a cloud in the sky. What have I become? I shook my head and looked ahead, putting the dumb girl-in-mid-life-crisis metaphor behind me. I am not some chick from a romance movie wondering 'why, of why can't Romeo love me?' That's just cheesy.

"But we're here already, and you can meet everyone, I bet they will put on a show for you with their just amazing powers." Kihon said with that startling ego of his. Sniffling like the world is his, and he's the strongest or whatever. I looked at the dorm/apartment thingy and it was massive. I stared at it as Kurumi and Kihon just walked in. I looked at the two of them and they motioned me to follow them.

"Rahzeal got stuck with the actual dorms. The reason it's so big is 'cause the commons area is huge, and it's great for hosting parties so we normally just do it here." Kurumi shrugged, and I nodded. I guess having my own apartment is a plus, but the dorms were more boarding school like so I almost wanted to switch with Rahzeal. I started to hear the sounds of the party as Kihon opened the door, and I was surprised to see that, not only people from our grade were here, but people from other grades as well. In the city of the Stargazers, there is a few colleges here as well. If you were deemed fine for outside and have control over your powers, you are allowed to leave. But if you aren't, it means that you will have to stay here and be stuck here for pretty much until you are deemed safe. I watched as a girl with light purple hair with pink and blue streaks in it opened the halls entrance, probably hearing us come in. I looked at Kihon and Kurumi, and the look on Kihons' face was one to remember. It was like this chick was poison, and Kurumis' face wasn't much different.

"Tessa, what a pleasant...surprise." Kihon said through gritted teeth. Tessa smiled a devils smile and turned her laser gaze to me.

"Oh, and who is this?" She asked, and I felt like I already wanted to take this chick out. I mean, I'm standing right here, ask me, I'm not mute. So I'll just save Kihon and Kurumi the energy of talking to this one.

"Just Aya Drafone. Or well, you would know me as the new girl, Reka Brundon." I smirked when her eyes widened at the mention of my name. And she looked a little closer at me.

"So your the slut who goes around screwing our days up." She said, and it took me little bit to wonder if she was joking, because of the slut and the screwing with our days when she smiled and I supposed that it had to be a joke. I nodded and realized that maybe she wasn't that bad, just comes off that way. I still looked at her with a hard gaze, just in case I had to scare her out or something.

"Come on, the party's just starting." She turned on her heel and turned her head back towards us. "And don't worry, we got her some food." I looked at her and thought, maybe I'm just getting bad at judging people. At that time, I couldn't have realized how wrong I was.
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Comments (5)

on August 30, 2014
Name: Dawn Moonstone
Age: Same as main character
Info: She's a mage, but she's especially good with water since she was born in July and her zodiac is Cancer. She is also really smart.
Personality: Funny, Loyal, Stubborn, Rebellious, Kind, Intelligent, Friendly, Outgoing, Short-tempered, Talkative.
Looks: A little above average height, golden brown hair, warm See More▼
on August 28, 2014
Thank you both!!! And yes I do accept OC's
on August 28, 2014
That's the best Wfeast story I've read in along time! Three thumbs up!
on August 28, 2014
This is an amazing story! Your such a talented writer. Do you accept OC's?
on August 28, 2014