The Train Station

The Train Station

This is a story that was assigned for homework at my school. I really liked it and i decided to publish it on here! Hope you like it!

published on November 21, 201544 reads 9 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 9.

Chapter 9

"Mom! Where's Marie!?" John Philip yelled as he ran downstairs. He had went back to Marie's room to check if she was there, but she wasn't. "I don't know, I thought she was upstairs," said his mother. "She's not upstairs I checked all over the house and she isn't here," John Philip said. "Well, I don't know where she is," she said. "Wait," John Philip said, "I remember her saying something about the train station..."
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Comments (2)

Nice story!
on November 26, 2015
on November 24, 2015